Species at Risk

The provincial Endangered Species Act and federal Species at Risk Act provide protection to individuals listed as Threatened or Endangered under either Act, plus the critical habitats upon which they depend. Habitat for species designated as Special Concern also require attention under provincial policy guidelines as Significant Wildlife Habitat.

Azimuth’s team routinely completes Species at Risk assessments for a wide variety of public and private landowners through detailed biological assessments. Azimuth identifies the presence/absence, location and extent of Species at Risk and their habitats on a given site, and works with our clients to to find environmental solutions that meet development goals while conforming with provincial and federal legislation. Targeted studies including Butternut Health Assessments, turtle basking/nesting surveys, visual encounter surveys for snakes, breeding bird surveys, plant inventories, bat acoustic monitoring, and fish surveys are among the suite of studies carried out for Species at Risk.

For projects where impacts to Species at Risk cannot be mitigated and are unavoidable, Azimuth assists our clients with the provincial and federal consultation process which may include preparation of mitigation or offsetting plans, submission of an Information Gathering Form, Avoidance Alternatives Form, Overall Benefit Plan, and C-Permit Application Form packages. Where exemptions to Endangered Species Act permitting exist, Azimuth assists landowners with Notice of Impact/Registrations for impacts to a variety of SAR species. In Ontario, these may include Butternut, Bobolink, and Eastern Meadowlark. Azimuth frequently assists with SAR approvals for additional species including Black Ash, SAR bat species, Blanding’s Turtle, Eastern Whip-poor-will, and Redside Dace, among others.

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