Fisheries Approvals

Fisheries approvals are required for works that occur in or around water that have the potential to adversely impact fish habitat (as defined in the Federal Fisheries Act) including both direct and indirect fish habitat, in order to ensure compliance with environmental regulations and policies. This may pertain to large-scale development applications (such as bridge construction, municipal/ provincial scale infrastructure improvements, creation of floodway structures) or to minor projects (such as shoreline alterations on private lands, minor channel realignments, or culvert improvements). Azimuth’s fisheries biologists have extensive experience evaluating projects that involve working around water, and are proficient at completing the necessary field studies and data collection to assess approval requirements for an array of project types.

Our team completes fisheries and aquatic existing conditions reports, and impact assessments for private landowners, developers, municipalities, and the provincial government (e.g. MNRF, MTO). Studies are completed in order to identify fish and fish habitat constraints including aquatic SAR, for all design stages. Our experienced ecologists will liaise with the regulators on your behalf to acquire project approvals from Conservation Authorities, Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP), Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF), Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), and Parks Canada.

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