Wildlife Studies

Our staff are proficient in the identification and characterization of wildlife habitats, completed through a wide variety of wildlife habitat assessments including visual encounter techniques, point count surveys, incidental sweeps, aerial helicoper-based surveys, radio telemetry and animal capture and marking techniques. These studies allow Azimuth’s ecology team to identify Species at Risk (SAR), Significant Wildlife Habitat, and other important areas for wildlife.
Azimuth’s terrestrial biologists have conducted a range of wildlife studies including:
- Building bat exit surveys using visual and acoustic monitoring techniques
- Acoustic monitoring studies to assess bat habitat within woodland
- Aerial winter wildlife studies targeting ungulate and furbearer populations
- Impact of high density deer populations on the integrity of forest ecosystems including impacts on species of conservation concern
- Population ecology of White-tailed Deer
- Spatial behavior of White-tailed Deer with emphasis on seasonal migration (i.e. deer yarding behavior)
- Spatial behavior of rabies vectors including Red Fox Striped Skunk, Raccoon
- Spatial behavior of Black Bears and Coyotes with emphasis on dispersal
- Population ecology of Raccoon with respect to the control of rabies
- Assessment of forage supplies for Moose and White-tailed Deer including development of inventory methods
- Behavioural studies of White-tailed Deer, Moose, Mountain Goat, Red Fox, Coyote, Striped Skunk, and Raccoon
- Dawn breeding bird surveys using point count methodologies
- Evening breeding bird surveys targeting Eastern Whip-poor-will, Common Nighthawk, and owls
- Marsh breeding bird studies within wetland environs
- Migratory stopover and waterfowl nesting studies for shorebirds and waterfowl
- Raptor wintering studies to evaluate presence of hawks, owls, etc., in open country settings
- Forest bird population census
- Territory mapping and behavioural studies of Ovenbird;
- Spatial behaviour and flight path
- Assessment of gulls
- Shorebird nesting studies including assessment of nesting success
- Amphibian breeding studies targeting calling frogs and toads during the spring period
- Salamander egg mass surveys within vernal/ephemeral breeding pools
- Turtle overwintering/nesting surveys within and adjacent to wetlands and waterbodies
- Snake visual encounter surveys and identification of gestation and overwintering sites
- Delineation of significant habitat of the endangered Spotted Turtle
- Functional assessment of critical habitat components of Eastern Hog-nosed Snake
- Spatial and foraging behaviour of Desert Tortoise